Marlin and Toshia’s Wedding at Cambria Pines Lodge

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How exciting to start off the wedding season with Marlin and Toshia’s wedding.  After their engagement session I knew their wedding would be extra special.   Cambria Pines lodge is such a lovely setting and the weather on their wedding day was perfect.   It is obvious when you see the pictures that Toshia and Marlin are just so beautiful together.  The way they make each other relax, smile and laugh is a joy to watch and even more fun to photograph.   Congratulations you two on finding each other and starting your journey as husband and wife with such a lovely celebration <3

Team of Talented Vendors

Cambria Pines Lodge Inn and Food

Gy Ryder MC and Music

Florals – Lori Hicks

Bridal Artistry – Hair and Makeup


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