Chelsea’s Senior Portraits
Templeton, California
I am so excited to finally be posting my first blog entry!
Chelsea was one of the first seniors I shot this summer and what fun we had!! It was a little windy on this afternoon but it worked well with her hair and she just was a natural in front of the camera.
I’ve been having some amazing sessions with seniors lately and I hope now that I have my blog up and going to be posting many of my sessions for them to enjoy and share with friends!
Chelsea’s senior portraits really reflect her unique style! I love to talk with each client before the session helping them chose a location and clothing that really capture their personality in their portraits!
Wow I can’t believe I am actually blogging!
I have really cool slideshows I will be sharing with all my Seniors when they make their appointment for the studio viewing. I can’t wait to share them on this blog too!
Keep Checking In!
Your pictures may be Next!!!
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